A better way to display git directory

When I first opened github, I saw the text next to files and folder and thought it is the summary the contents of the file/folder. But later realized that it not. It is the commit messages which changed the it. I have used github for various things in last 10 years but have rarely used the commit message next to files/folder to find anything. If I want to know when a line was changed, I use git blame. If I want to know what changed in a commit, I go to git log to find the commit by its message and then check the diff.

Github screenshot

Implementing such feature would have been difficult in the past. Software projects are always evolving. New features are added or removed and code is constantly re-factored. Quick information about the folder and files would constantly go out of date. And keeping it up to date will require constant updates and can be tedious. Bigger the project, more work it will require to keep it up to date. But at the same time, bigger the project more useful such information would be.

And it will be especially useful for people who are new to the project. It can give them a quick high level overview about how the project is organized and where to look for specific things. And this is biggest problem for new joiners. It is difficult and difficult to know how the particular project is organized and where to find a specific thing.

With LLMs it is fairly straightforward to implement such feature. So I implmented it here.

LucidCode one liner demo

Give it a try or checkout the video demo.